~ Contained in Metal ~

Something different today, I’m trying for a double dip challenge inspired by Marsha and Cee. Starting with a quote and seeing if I can link a photo!

Scotland October (Autumn)
Container Ship passing through Launceston, Tasmania
Metal Sculpture of an empty Oil Tanker – MOMA, Hobart
Metal sculpture depicting the lost children of the Holocaust,
Paris, France

A container of souls

I came across the following when researching quotes for this challenge, which really resonated with me.

It brought home to me the amount of containers I have in my house. Storage chests, cupboards, drawers and in those more boxes of treasures. Sooner or later I will have to sell, give or throwaway so many things. Just recently in the UK, my brother did one last look around the loft and came down with all of our old books and school reports and exercise books. My parents, especially my Dad could never throw anything away. There’s always that thought “this might be useful one day”.

Are you a hoarder or a thrower/giver?

Many thanks to Cee (CFFC) and Marsha (WQ) for always coming up with such interesting challenges.


  1. Don’t knock it, my Mum was the opposite of a hoarder and would suddenly throw tons of stuff away. The consequence now is that I have absolutely no photos or memories from my childhood, and I often wish I did! So there’s a good side to hoarding maybe….!

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  2. I am both, if that’s possible. I hoard for a while, then I make a clean sweep. Moving helps. I love the oil tanker statue. The Holocaust art piece should make us all think. My friend was only four when when went in the camps. She came out at the end of the war, but was damaged all her life in spite of living a successful life. Thanks for joining this week, Ali. It’s always a pleasure to have you. 🙂

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  3. Wonderful photos and quotes, Ali! Like your father, I am a keeper, especially of items that have sentimental value. I know my kids won’t want any of the things I’ve collected, but they will be the ones to have to part with them. Have a great weekend!

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