~ Willy Wagtail Wednesday ~

For the past few days I have been watching from the kitchen window, a pair of Willy Wagtails building a nest in my laundry area. They’ve decided on a spot right at the end of the line. When this happened a few years ago I had to wear a hat and glasses when hanging the washing as they would squawk around my head. I was privileged this morning as I was hanging up my sheets to take a few fairly close shots.

These birds are native to Australia and are very cute. As small as they are, they can be quite aggressive to larger birds especially the Kookaburras. You often see them just pecking away at them, quite alarming to watch. I’m not sure why the Kookaburras don’t fly away.

Willy Wagtail

They were flying to and fro with tiny pieces of twigs and leaves and passing it to the other.

I turned my phone on “selfie mode” and snuck a look inside.

As you can see there is nothing there yet, only a matter of time. Although the babies will be kicked out soon enough as there’s not much room in there. I suppose with the cost of living these days that’s all they could afford.

I’ll have to find another place for my washing for a while I think.

Linking to anotherglobaleater for Bird of the Week.


  1. They are so sweet the wagtails. A couple of years ago I had a nest on my old Hills hoist that we covered with shade cloth and is over our veggie patch. Only my husband could come close, but he bought crickets and they would come and eat. We still saw the 3 little ones fly away…

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