~ To Edit or not to Edit, that is the question ~

This week for Sunday Stills, Terri has asked whether we edit our photos or not. I like to edit most of my photos as the software these days is fantastic. An ordinary photo can be transformed into something worth showing.

These are just a few I’ve had a play around with.

The original is on the left and the right is edited. I used two different editors. BeFunky which is a free one for a painted effect, but was then left with a watermark. So I exported to Google Photos and used magic blur. Somewhat time consuming but good to know!

Two white cockatoos chatting to each other down by the river. As you can see my original image definitely needed editing. Using my iMac software for this.

I don’t think a camera phone is the best to take a semi-full moon photo. This was taken the other night. I think it shows better in black and white. Google Photo Editor.

I had the most fun with the above photo as it was the first time I have used an AI type software, from Canva. I’m still trying to get to grips with this website, so spent a long time – too long on this! The first photo is the the original but I thought it looked a bit boring, so I’ve added a few attributes!

Thanks to Terri for all the information she has shared about editing on her post, I’ve certainly learnt much more about different kinds of software.


  1. With a cell phone editing is usually required to some degree. Cell phones are easier for me than carrying the camera bodies, lens, filters etc., etc that real photographers use. Extreme editing and AI make me wonder about our grip on reality.

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  2. I enjoyed not only seeing your edits but reading about them too 🙂 The cockatoos particularly benefited from your efforts I reckon. The AI work is effective too, especially the addition of the blue furniture. I think that kind of playing with images is fun from time to time!

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  3. (From Terri)…Hi Ali, these are great examples of ways we edit our photos! I love the before and after of the goose, it really brings out the colors and textures of his feathers. I agree the moon shot looks best in b&w. I appreciate you sharing your process too! Nicely done!

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  4. This was fun, Ali. Your last one looked very realistic. I love Canva and use it all the time. It has improved a lot over the years. I love your painted effect, too.

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