~ A Review of My 2023 ~

Jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else and thinking about my year that has flown by.

There have been highlights and lowlights (not just for my hair) but we have all ended up healthy and well and that’s all we can ask for. The fact I don’t live anywhere near a war zone makes me all the more thankful for this good life I lead. 

I have travelled far and wide and to places I’ve never been before and enjoyed every moment. 


January saw me travelling to the UK to celebrate my mum’s 90th. I took this trip alone and was able to stay with my parents. I could see my Dad was becoming more frail and my mum was slipping into dementia. However we had a fabulous party for her and I’m so glad I was there to be with her. I also took a sneaky side trip to Dublin.

I enjoyed Dublin very much and it was thanks to my neighbour here in Perth who was also there at that time.

Back in Perth we continued to enjoy the summer, relaxing on the patio, catching up with friends and trips to the beach.


Once again I was travelling back to the UK but this time with Elena and the kids. My Dad had taken a turn for the worse. We arrived just in time for him to see Elena and Lachie again and also to meet Rosie for the first time. A few days after he slipped away. I am thankful that we made it back to see him. He was 91 and had lived a very fulfilling life. 

There was still entertainment to be planned for the children though, so we went up to London and visited parks and playgrounds. They managed to keep themselves very amused in my mum and dad’s house with just everyday household objects. They took the net curtains off one of the windows and used this as a flagpole, found a rolling pin for a microphone and were fascinated by the letter box.

I was hoping any passers-by would not think they were being held hostage!


Elena and the kids returned to Perth in April and Anthony arrived. We would be taking care of my mum until the end of the month when the funeral would be held. I caught up with a great many relatives and friends during this month and Anthony and I did manage some days trips to nearby villages and up to London. I was lucky with the support from my relatives and friends in caring for my mum.

Essex Sunset
Farewell Nanny Jean

Anthony was missing Australia so decided to have a makeshift BBQ in the back garden. 


After a sad goodbye to my mum we headed back to Perth. We had a fairly quiet May and began our preparations for another trip to Bali, Lake Toba and Penang.


This month we travelled to Ubud, Samosir Island on Lake Toba and Penang. We enjoyed all three destinations. The highlight though was definitely Samosir Island, the stunning scenery and the pace of life was just so relaxing. The people are some of the friendliest we have ever encountered. 


It was time to visit Melbourne again to celebrate Laurence and Maddie’s engagement. We all went and I’ve already posted about the awful accommodation we stayed in! 

The Happy Couple


It’s hard to believe that I again took a long haul flight back to the UK for the third time this year! This time for my cousin’s wedding. It was a spur of the moment decision to go back, but I’m so happy I did. The wedding was such a joyous occasion and enabled me to see my many cousins again. I also had another little side trip to Paris, with the same neighbour and friend who was staying there at the time. It was a fantastic three days, and to travel through the Euro Tunnel was an added bonus.

Gallerie Lafayette


It was Laurence and Maddy’s turn to visit us and we had them for a week, which we loved. We managed a couple of lunches and dinners with them, although their feet don’t touch the ground while they are here.


Enjoying some down time this month and catching up with long forgotten jobs! 

Ready for Trick or Treating

Elena bought costumes for the boys and I have to say it was a hard job putting them on. 


Time for my girls’ trip down south to Dunsborough. We had the best three days, chatting, laughing, drinking and eating.

The dearest friends


So here we are at the end of the year already. I’ve only just posted about recent trips to Bali and Hong Kong so won’t go over that again! Just to say another trip is planned in March to Bali, basically to collect my engagement ring which I left in the bathroom at the hotel! I have to ask myself why I didn’t listen to my dear hubby as he said “do a last sweep”. So I lifted my head and scanned the room. Fortunately I got in touch in time and they had found my ring. Ironically the day before at immigration I had found a “diamond ring” on the floor and asked around if anyone had dropped it. I put it in my pocket and forgot about it. That’s karma I suppose.

And so that’s a wrap as they say and if you have read to the end, my thanks to you. 

I wish everyone a fabulous 2024 but most of all a healthy one.


  1. Sounds like you have had a tender year full of special moments and hard goodbyes along with some wonderful adventures. I hope this next year brings you all good things and many more special moments. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Seems it’s been a good year apart from the sad loss of your Dad. I’m glad you got back here in time to see him. Hope to catch you next year if you’re back in London at all 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t imagine doing three trips to the UK in one year. Those flights must be excruciating. You do seem to make the most of every trip. I love the photo of your mom with your daughter and grandchildren. She must have loved having them around to brighten her days. Condolences regarding your father.

    Wishing you much happiness in the new year. Cheers to 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Suzanne..The last trip was the hardest as i fell I’ll with laryngitis on the day I flew! I don’t like going on my own really so hopefully next year my dear hubby will accompany me.


  4. I know it was hard loosing your Dad but I’m happy that the rest of your year was filled with friends, family and travel. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Alison – thank you for sharing your year with us. I enjoyed seeing pictures of you, your family and of the places you visited. I’m sorry for your loss – losing a parent is hard, nomatter the age. My parents lived to be 92 and 94. Happy New Year and best wishes for happy adventures in 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad, but I’m glad to hear you made it back to spend more time with him. Your Mum looks amazing for her age!

    You’ve packed a lot into the year. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow that was tiring just reading it. You were away more than you were in Perth I reckon. Haha but I think you just want to go back to Bali that is why you left your engagement ring.

    Liked by 1 person

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