Changing Seasons – Joyful June

Each Month Brian from Bushboy’s World and Ju-Lyn over at Touring my Backyard host a challenge where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. 

Many of you will have already have seen some of my posts about the first half of June which was spent in Malaysia and the drama that unfolded there! I’m glad to say my dear husband is well enough now to take up his household chores once again, phew!

Although it is officially winter in Perth we continue to have the most glorious sunny dry days. Good for the laundry but not so great for the garden. There aren’t that many flowers in bloom at the moment, although the Aloe Vera is looking stunning.

This monster has been living in the corner for many months now and is definitely getting larger

I have continued to play Bridge twice a week, I don’t seem to be improving in the slightest though, but practice makes perfect so they say! I have also gone back to playing Mahjong with some good friends and we catch up once a week for breakfast first and then a few games.

Pull up a Seat
City Beach, Perth – our view from the cafe where we play Mahjong

Our book club this month was held at a friend’s house who had chosen the book, where we were served the most delicious carrot cake and champagne. The book this month was “Naked” by Eliza Redgold about the story of Lady Godiva. We have been theming our bookclub meetings for a while, I’m not so sure I would feel comfortable rocking up naked on a horse to this one. We had a wonderful afternoon discussing the book amongst other things.

I had a night at the cinema with a couple of girlfriends where we saw “How to Please a Woman”, it was hilarious and but I think I laughed more at my friend who was actually snorting with laughter.

My cheeky cherub of a grandson turned four at the end of June and we visited him for cake and presents.

These two beautiful little people bring the most joy to my life and I love my day of looking after them both. Although I have to say it’s hard work taking them to the park, it’s like having two run away puppies, I have to have my wits about me.

A gallery of June

I hope everyone had a good June also. Now onto July and looking forward to more sunny days in Perth.

Some photos here for

Pull up a Seat
Weekend Sky
Thursday Doors


  1. A wonderful month except the getting sick part. Loved all the photos but was disappointed that Lady Godiva failed to show 😂 The cockerel street art was wonderful.
    Thanks for joining in Ali 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your June looks particularly delightful, Ali. I had to laugh at Brian’s comment about your book club event. Your grandkids are adorable and I’m sure are super fun at those ages. Thanks for linking your beautiful pictures and memories with PPAC this week. You had a fabulous assortment of all of the challenges – a woman after my own double-dipping heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A nicely varied month, Ali. If I was running a book club (unlikely) and we themed our meetings, I’m pretty sure I would have steered clear of anything with “naked” in the title! On your bridge subject, when I qualified as a football (soccer) coach years ago, the guy taking the course kept saying…”Remember, practice does NOT make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Teach them wrong and they’ll always get it wrong”. I leave that thought with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like a bit of a busy month, you lead such a sociable life. Glad to hear your husband is on the mend. Weather sounds fabulous for June too, better than ours here currently.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jonno, hope you and Jo are both well
      Maybe it’s the part of the country you are in as in the south they are having great weather


  5. Great to meet you and thanks for the follow.
    Love your pics and summer fun update!! Beautiful garden and it Sounds like you are having super fun. Hope your husband continues to improve l!🙏🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What fabulous contrasts for the month! Vacation – home, Hot/Humid – Crisp/Dry … and you have certainly made the most of your days with the time spent with family & friends! Thank you for sharing your bustling month with us!

    Liked by 1 person

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