šŸ“š What’s on your Bookshelf – #4 šŸ“š

It’s time to review the books we have been reading this month. I have not read near as many as Debbie at Deb’s World who is one of the co-hosts for this challenge.

I finished the last in The Highbury Series by Allie Cresswell – Dear Jane. I enjoyed all three books about the people and events leading up to Emma by Jane Austen. Dear Jane focuses mainly on Jane Fairfax and Frank Weston. Allie Cresswell writes just like Jane Austen. I would describe these books as a “cozy read”. Curling up on the sofa with one of these books is like chatting with an old friend.

The next book has been on my “to be read” list for a while, so I thought I had better tackle it.
The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde by Eve Chase

I did enjoy this book but preferred the story set in 1959 about the four sisters than the other part set fifty years later. It seemed like the book was written by two different authors! The book focuses on a house that both families lived in.

I also got round to reading a book by Susan Lewis – I Have Something To Tell You.

This book had a very good twist at the end which I thought I had guessed but didn’t! I like the fact that she doesn’t just make it about the victim but also the solicitor who has been engaged by him.

The Andee Lawrence series of books are also very good.

My A to Z of Favourite Authors – This Month is “B”

Fiona Barton – I have read all three of Fiona’s books and I’m hoping she will be writing another soon. They are all very different and usually have two storylines through them that tie up at the end. All three books feature a journalist called Kate Waters.

Suzanne Bugler – I’ve read two of her books, I would describe them as psychological thrillers.
The Child Inside and This Perfect World. Very easy to read but intriguing!

I’m loving this challenge as one of my favourite things is reading book reviews. I can now find many new and different types of authors to add to my growing lists of books!


  1. Husband Robert and I just finished ā€œThe Liarā€™s Dictionaryā€ by Eley Williams. I cannot recommend it enough! Beautifully and hilariously written. A mystery, a love story and a book about dictionaries.

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  2. It’s great to read everyone’s posts Ali, and yes I’ve found a few more to add to my list now from your post! I like the sound of authors Allie Creswell and Fiona Barton. Thanks for joining in and I’m so pleased to hear you are enjoying the challenge. I’ve included a link to your post in mine šŸ™‚

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